For the game’s history, please refer to Descry: Card Game.
Each game consists of three rounds. In order to win the game, you must win two of the three rounds. If there is a draw (i.e each player has one win and they tie on the third and final round), the match goes to who won the first round.
To win a round, you must both make an intelligence check (20 sided dice, plus your intelligence). Whoever rolls highest will win the round.
Of the six decks, each can impose a +2 or -2 modifier on the intelligence check depending on the matchup. Each deck has two good, one neutral and two bad matchups. In a mirror matchup (both players are playing the same deck), it is considered a neutral matchup.
Proficiency in Cards will allow you to add your proficiency modifier to this game. If you are not proficient in cards, you become proficient after owning all the decks.
All decks cost 15gp, as the cards are usually of high quality and suffused with cheat-preventing enchantments. Commoners unable to afford full decks tend to buy knock-offs or make their own, which is normal but forbidden in high-end establishments.
Many players across Eos hold rare, unique cards. For every three rare cards held, the player gains an +1 bonus to intelligence checks while playing Descry, stacking infinitely. These cards are representations of legendary beings, and will change depending on the power hierarchy.